8 Easy Steps to Eat Clean!!!

Eating Clean is Key to Reducing Unwanted Belly Fat!

What Is Clean Eating?

I use the term “eat clean” all the time but 50% of the people I speak with don’t know what it really means? Today I’m going to share my 8 easy steps to eating clean! Post them on your fridge, give them a glance every so often to refresh your memory, and reap the benefits of a clean diet!

Your foolproof guide to cleaning up your diet, reducing unwanted body fat and feeling better.

You've probably heard of clean eating, but you may not know what it is exactly or how to go about cleaning up your diet. It's about eating more of the best and healthiest options in each of the food groups—and eating less of the not-so-healthy ones. That means embracing whole foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains, plus healthy proteins and fats. It also means cutting back on refined grains, pesticides, additives, preservatives, unhealthy fats and large amounts of sugar and salt. And avoiding highly refined foods with ingredients you'd need a lab technician to help you pronounce. Even if you only take a few steps toward eating cleaner—cutting back on processed foods, for example, or eating more fruits and veggies (and, if it works for you, buying a few organic)—it can still make an impact on your health. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

1. Load Up On Produce

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, most of us aren't getting enough. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 76 percent of Americans don't get enough fruit each day and a whopping 87 percent aren't eating enough servings of vegetables. Eating more fruit and vegetables can help significantly reduce your risk for a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer. The fiber in whole produce also helps keep your microbiome (the collection of good bacteria that live in your gut) happy, which can reduce belly bloat, reduce your risk for autoimmune diseases, fight off pathogens, prevent infections and even improve your mood. Choose organic produce where you can.

2. Go Whole Grain

The cleanest whole grains are the ones that have been touched the least by processing. Think whole grains that look most like their just-harvested state—quinoa, wild rice, oats. I suggest people abstain from eating any processed grains, like whole-wheat pasta and whole-grain bread. Don't get duped by "whole-grain" claims on labels though, to eat clean packaged whole grains you're going need to take a closer look at the ingredients. Whole grains should always be the first ingredient, the ingredient list should be short and recognizable, and it should have minimal (if any) added sugar. When you swap out refined carbs (like white pasta, sugar, and white bread) for whole grains you'll get more fiber, antioxidants and inflammation-fighting phytonutrients. Plus, people who eat more whole grains have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off long term. Sometimes you just need a hearty slice of avocado in your bowl of quinoa.

3. Eat Less Meat

More and more research suggests cutting back on meat is healthier for you and the planet. Veganism isn't a requirement for clean eating though—just eating less meat can help reduce your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease and help keep your weight in check. Plus, eating more plants helps bump up the fiber, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals in your diet. And if you're worried about getting enough protein by cutting down on meat—that shouldn't be an issue. Most Americans get much more than the recommended 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (approximately 56 grams daily for men and 46 grams daily for women) and it's easy to get that much protein eating a vegetarian or even vegan diet. Eggs, dairy (with no added sugar and simple ingredients) beans and nuts all offer protein—see our list of top vegetarian protein sources for even more options. When you do eat meat, choose options that haven't been pumped with antibiotics and even better if they've lived and eaten like they would in the wild (think grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon). Clean eating also means cutting down on processed meats like cold cuts, bacon and sausage.

4. Watch Out for Processed Foods

We're not opposed to all processed foods. Technically when we chop, mix and cook at home we are processing foods. The trouble is that so much of processed food at the grocery store is processed beyond the point of recognition. Nature certainly didn't color those chips that neon color of orange or make blue candy-colored cereal. Keep an eye out for anything with lots of sugar and refined grains, super-long ingredient lists with foods you don't recognize and anything with partially hydrogenated oils. Clean processed foods exist like plain yogurt, cheese, whole-wheat pasta, and packaged baby spinach. And while you can make salad dressings, pasta sauce, mayo, hummus and broth at home you can also find clean versions at the store. Just read the ingredient list. Our bodies digest processed and unprocessed foods differently. In the case of white bread vs. whole wheat bread the machine has already started to process the white bread for you—stripping away the bran and germ—and leaving your body with less work to do. Limiting packaged foods can also reduce your exposure to BPA (found in some canned foods) and other chemicals found in plastics.

5. Limit Sugar

Most people eat too many added sugars. The American Heart Association recommends no more than about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons per day for men. The average American gets about 4 times that amount—28 teaspoons of added sugar per day. To clean up your diet, cut down on added sugars by limiting sweets like soda, candy and baked goods. But it's more than just desserts—keep an eye on sugars added to healthier foods like yogurt (choose plain), tomato sauce and avoid cereal. Look for foods without sugar as an ingredient, or make sure it's listed towards the bottom, which means less of it is used in the food. And you don't have to worry as much about naturally occurring sugars in fruit and dairy. They come packaged with fiber, protein or fat to help blunt the effect of sugar on insulin levels. They also deliver nutrients so you're not just getting empty, sugary calories.

6. Keep an Eye on Sodium

Just like with sugar, most of us are getting far more sodium than we should. The Institute of Medicine recommends capping sodium at 2,300 milligrams daily, about one teaspoon of salt. If you're over 50, of African-American descent or have high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you may want to go even lower, to 1,500 milligrams per day. 80 percent of the sodium in our diets is coming from convenience foods. Cutting back on processed foods will help you reduce your salt intake, as most packaged foods contain more sodium than homemade versions. To help minimize salt while you cook, flavor your food with herbs and spices, citrus and vinegar. Clean eating recipes can still use salt, it is essential for bringing out the flavor of foods, but we use it smartly and sparingly. Coarse sea salt or kosher salt can add punch when sprinkled on dishes at the end of cooking, and they contain less sodium (teaspoon for teaspoon) compared to table salt.

7. Buy Local Foods

Possibly the most simple yet difficult aspect of clean eating is to purchase local foods. By buying local you cut out travel and possible packaging or processing. Unfortunately, even though buying local is healthier for you and the environment and helps support local businesses, sometimes it’s a bit more expensive than what you’ll find at grocery store chains. But it’s worth it and doesn’t cost that much more in general—even less if you shop at farmer’s markets with certain foods like fruits and vegetables often cheaper right from a local farm than a grocery store.

Not only is buying local most definitely a clean eating do, buying directly from the local source is what truly cuts out any travel (other than getting to the source) of food to your plate. This ensures you pick up your food before it travels to a packaging plant or to the store for packaging and finally, displayed for purchase. Although it’s good to buy produce that’s marked as from the state or province you live in, it’s unlikely that what you buy is from the city you live in. There’s still a lot of travel and packaging involved, so it’s best to buy directly from the source.

8. Make Your Own Salad Dressing

Unfortunately, most store-bought salad dressings full of sugar, Trans fatty oils, and sodium. That’s why making your own will do your heart and waistline a big favor. Try mixing a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a few teaspoons of balsamic vinegar for a heart-healthy option. And if you like creamy dressings, mix a few tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt with fresh lemon juice and garlic.

For more information text Dr. Fitness "your belly fat reduction expert" at 904.236.5858

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