Military Families Need Us.

I have the privilege of working with Veterans at the 5 Star Veterans Center.  We Move Homeless Veterans Off the Street to a Place of Their Own.

In America 1.4 million veterans are at risk of becoming homeless. Locally in Northeast Florida, about 500 veterans have been recorded as homeless in the past year.

The 5 Star Veterans Center's 12-18 month on-site program has proven successful in helping veterans rejoin our community. They provide safe housing, a full complement of health and wellness services, reunite veterans with their families, and help with education and job preparedness.

The health and wellness services provided help veterans reconnect to their bodies.  Which reduces stress and body fat.  Reducing stress is known to help with PTSD and reducing drug dependance.  Lowering body fat percent also is known to reduce stress, blood pressure, risk of diabetes and stroke.  Please join me and supporting my friends at the 5 Star Veterans Center.

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