IN BLANKSTARE NEWS: This is interesting …

A study by Syracuse University found that when more women are in executive levels at corporations, those corporations tend to have employees who behave better. For example -- the researchers found that NFL teams with more female execs saw a drop in the number of player arrests. And NFL teams with a “critical mass” of women (two or more) in executive positions had a 21% decrease in criminal incidents. “Our research suggests that firms searching for preventive and remedial solutions to misconduct should consider a basic structural solution to this problem: ensuring that there is a critical mass of women on the top management team,” said Professor of Sports Management Mary Graham.

And it's not just the NFL or sports teams -- it's all corporations and organizations. “Our findings also have implications for organizations beyond those employing professional sport players, particularly visible organizations with high-profile employees, such as media and entertainment companies; and public-facing entities such as courts, schools, and government entities,” said Bhavneet Walia, an Assistant Professor of Public Health.

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