Can Drinking Water Help Me Lose Weight?

Can drinking more water help me lose weight?

When I recommend someone increase their water consumption, I regularly encounter resistance when their goal is to lose weight. They tend to believe adding water adds weight, so can water really help me to lose weight? Water is the most important element that we live with on earth. Just like the earth is made up of mostly water, our bodies are made up of mostly water. Water is necessary for providing nutrients within our bodies for biochemical reactions aiding in the digestive processes. It assists in blood circulation, waste removal, and constipation prevention.

Drinking plenty of water will ward off certain conditions like muscle cramps, dehydration, and, yes, weight gain. A daily regimen of water consumption naturally balances your biological system for optimal health and maintaining your ideal weight. It’s no wonder that water is a primary factor in weight loss.

Water will naturally suppress your appetite.

Water takes up space in the stomach and when the stomach feels full, it will send a signal to the brain to discontinue eating. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before a meal to eat less and avoid overeating.

Drinking water regularly reduces the feelings of hunger. It helps curb the urges for snacking throughout the day and drinking more sugary substitutes that affect weight gain.

Water helps burn calories quicker.

According to MedicalNewsToday, research has shown that drinking 500 mL of water increased energy levels in the people studied. The study indicated 3 percent more calories than usual were burned within 90 minutes of drinking water.

The study suggested that drinking cold water caused more caloric loss due to energy exertion from heating the water within the body for digestion.

Water is beneficial for waste removal.

I mentioned earlier how water helps with digestion. Hydration is crucial in the process of passing waste through the digestive tract effectively. Water softens harder foods for smoother movement while also aiding in the recovery of diarrhea or indigestion.

Without proper hydration, waste can build up in the body causing bloating, swelling, and lethargy. This excess waste turns into fat adding extra pounds and inches to the waistline.

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Water, as an alternative source of liquid, will reduce caloric intake.

Water is a no-calorie beverage. Other drinks such as sports drinks, sodas, fruit drinks, and alcoholic drinks are all high in calories. The more water you drink replaces the other drinks lowering your caloric intake.

Water plays a major role in the fat-burning process.

Drinking enough water is necessary for burning fat from the food we eat and the fat we store. The molecules in water interact with fats to create glycerol and fatty acids.

So it could serve as an effective reminder to drink your daily share of water…

Having a glass of water will not only keep your body functioning at its best but will help get rid of that stubborn belly fat as well! 

How Can I Join the Gallon Challenge?

You can join the May Gallon Water Challenge by texting your name and water to 904.236.5858 and receive half price water bottles at McGowan Medical Spinal Centers at 3021 N. Main St. Jacksonville, FL

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