IN BLANKSTARE : What not to order on the first date

What not to order on the first date ... If you're going out on a first date in hopes of having someone to spend Valentine's Day with, The Takeout has assembled a list of the five worst foods to order. 

  • Wings -- "Have you tried keeping up a conversation with someone distracted by the task of gnawing through a pile of saucy bones?"
  • Garlic anything -- "I wouldn’t want it on my breath if I were talking to a close friend, let alone someone I’m trying to know romantically."
  • The kids menu -- "If a potential romantic partner orders dry nuggets, unsalted fries and a glass of chocolate milk, they’d better have some good conversation to back it up."
  • Triple-extra-death-spicy foods -- "Would you enjoy sitting across from someone who’s dripping sweat and snot into their food and trying to keep their fingers from brushing their eyes?"
  • Romantically themed entrees -- "Ordering the Honeymoon Steak and Shrimp Special or the Love Boat for Two might be jumping the gun."

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