IN BLANKSTARE NEWS: Burger King thinks you rule ... 

According to a new memo from top execs, cashiers and greeters have been ordered to greet every customer by saying "you rule." To prove it, they're also giving everyone adult-sized version of those kids' crowns they've handed out for ages.

Burger King thinks you rule ... and they want their workers to let you know that. According to a new memo from top execs, cashiers and greeters have been ordered to greet every customer by saying "you rule." To prove it, they're also giving everyone adult-sized version of those kids' crowns they've handed out for ages.

Deborah Derby, CEO of Carrols Restaurant Group, says it's meant to be a fun way to "engage" customers. She says, "Say it's a guy who's like 38 years old, no kids in the car, and I got to say to him: 'Do you want a crown?' You can't help but smile when you say that, and he can't help but laugh back. It forces that extra few seconds of engagement." The top brass will be sending out secret shoppers to guarantee the crowns are handed down.

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