A Business Insider report suggests that Weezy's lax attitude towards drug use might end up costing him.
TeeRoy's 2 Cents:
- While Wayne's personal decisions don't necessarily reflect on his business -- they give you a pretty good indication to his lax attitude as a boss.
- Where there's smoke... there's Weezy.
- "Long hair, don't care."
Lil Wayne’s marijuana use might wind up costing him big time.
Business Insider reports that Weezy, Post Malone and more were among the artists who may have taken advantage of pandemic loans in 2021. At the time, Young Money Touring Inc. successfully applied for and received an $8.9 million loan. To receive the funds, Wayne had to certify that his business is a drug-free workplace, and warned staff about drug use.
The SBA responded by noting that an artist’s “personal actions” or drug use before or after the period of March 2020 and June 2022 wouldn’t necessarily reflect on the business. Still, they note, “The SA’s process of monitoring and auditing of grant recipients is actively ongoing. To date, about $40 million has been returned from SVOG grantees and additional files have been referred for ongoing criminal investigation or civil recovery. To date, none of the recoveries relate to the drug-free certification.”