IN BLANKSTARE NEWS: Sugar, sugar …

A new survey found that the average American consumes 99 grams of sugar per day, which is more sugar than what’s in two 12-ounce cans of soda – and more than twice the amount of sugar recommended by the American Heart Association.

There’s no way to sugar coat this – Americans eat a lot of sugar. A new survey found that the average American consumes 99 grams of sugar per day, which is more sugar than what’s in two 12-ounce cans of soda – and more than twice the amount of sugar recommended by the American Heart Association. In a year, that adds up to about 80 pounds of sugar. Yes, pounds. The survey also found that the vast majority of respondents (85%) are actively working to reduce their sugar intake. Not so easy as we enter the season of sweets. According to those surveyed, the emotions most likely to bring on sugar cravings are stress (39%), boredom (36%), fatigue (24%) and loneliness (17%). And when craving sugar, respondents reported feeling anxious (23%), irritable (22%), impatient (20%) and unproductive (20%). Mid-afternoon is the most dangerous time for sugar lovers, with cravings hitting at around 3 p.m. But the high from that sugar rush doesn’t last. Respondents say they crash about 33 minutes later, on average, and end up feeling tired (42%), regretful (25%) and unfocused (21%).

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