2023 Atlantic Hurricane Predictions Out

America's weather forecasters are beginning to come out with their predictions for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season.

The first to issue a prognostication is Accuweather, which is calling for 11 to 15 named storms this year, and of those---"We believe four to eight will become hurricanes. and of the four to eight, we expect one to three to become major hurricanes," said Accuweather senior meteorologist and hurricane expert Dan Kottlowski.

Kottlowski says many factors go into determining what the Atlantic storm season will bring including winds in the Pacific Ocean that create water temperature phenomena known as El Nino and La Nina.

Sea temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean also play a major role. "We think that will have an impact on the development of storms in and around the United States, and also the possibility of storms becoming quite intense," continued Kottlowski.

Accuweather's 2023 Atlantic hurricane predictions comes as many Floridians continue to struggle in the aftermath of Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, the one-two punch in 2022 that left swaths of devastation that will take years to repair or rebuild and many deaths.

Next up in the Atlantic hurricane season storm number and intensity prediction are Colorado State University and the National Hurricane Center.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June through November.

Image Courtesy Getty

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