I love a GOOD gamer story and this one takes place in the state of Minnesota.
Four Friends gathered in an apartment in St Paul Minnesota to play the newest Nintendo Switch game Super Smash Bros Ultimate... Now I have the game myself and might Part-Time be addicted so I understand the hype of this game.. It's GREAT.... I can see how four friends might get rowdy and loud playing the game. It's super competitive. It's fast paced. It's FUN.
There's always a Hating neighbor in an apartment complex lurking to spoil your fun and those neighbors called the cops for a Noise Complaint about the kids playing the game too loud.
Fast forward.
Cops pull up. And instead of giving them a warning, THEY JOINED IN ON THE ACTION !!! They picked up the sticks and started gaming with the kids. It's harmless, the kids weren't causing any trouble, and it was fun. Those cops are my type of friends. Cops agreed that the kids weren't even loud and it was a GREAT NIGHT.
Peep the video... because you know us Millennials Have to post it or it didn't happen.