(In Weird News) Ed Sheeran to Build a Burial Chambers in His UK Estates

I am a HUGE Ed Sheeran fan. H U G E.... BUT

i had no idea of all the properties he owned in the United Kingdom.

A London Mansion makes sense.. but he even bought houses next to it to prevent neighbor complaints.

But what's most shocking is his "Sheeranville" estates in Suffolk, United Kingdom. It's 14 Acres. It's basically his own town that includes a pub with an underground tunnel, a treehouse, a couple four bedroom homes, a four car garage, plus soo much more!

Even after all of this, he still wants to add more..

A church with a burial chamber. It's like he's planning well in advance for his passing. Weird but I get it.

According to TheMail.com (UK entertainment news source) Ed submitted plans to have this built.


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