There's people who you try, and there's some people you leave alone. Mike Tyson is somebody you LEAVE ALONE !!! LOL
Okay so here's the back story... Mike Tyson is on a JetBlue flight and a fan admires him. (at this point Mike is still friendly).
The passenger gets drunk and starts annoying/harrassing Mike.
I feel like if I'm coughing too loud I'd try and switch seats to not annoy Mike but nooooooo...
This passenger is out of his mind LOL
Long story short, Mike ended up putting his hands on the passenger.
Now I'm not saying Mike putting his hands on this man is justified, b/c ultimately it is wrong...
in the same breath, if i'm a cop, I'd question the common sense of this young man (alcohol or not).
If we want to look at the positive, that guy got to fight Mike Tyson for FREE.... LOL