Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver disease is a condition in which the liver has difficulty breaking down fats, which causes a buildup in the liver tissue. There are two types of fatty liver disease– alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
As the name suggests, alcoholic liver disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The exact cause of nonalcoholic disease, is not known but sugar such as white rice, pasta, white bread, soda, chips and candy are the obvious suspects at this time.
It usually runs in families. Fatty liver is described as when more than 10 percent of the liver is fat and the impaired liver functioning has occurred in someone who drinks little or no alcohol.
During the initial stage, fatty liver disease usually does not cause any noticeable symptoms, rather the disease is harmless at this stage.
Overtime, the fat that accumulates in the liver can cause inflammation and scarring. This leads to a more serious form of the disease.
You may experience dull or aching pain in the top right of your abdomen as well as fatigue, loss of appetite and a general feeling of being unwell if you have a fatty liver.
You are at a higher risk of suffering from this condition if you had gastric bypass surgery. Other risk factors include high cholesterol, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, Type 2 diabetes, underactive thyroid and underactive pituitary gland.
If you suspect you have a problem in your liver, consult your doctor. A simple blood test or ultrasound can help diagnose this problem at an early stage.
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