is a silent killer because most times it just crouches there undetected, undisturbed, and silently spreads without any apparent signs or symptoms for months or even years. And then suddenly it snicks up on you and often it is too late.
Cancer is caused by the interaction of one’s genetic factors with external agents such as radiations, tobacco use, tobacco smoke, drinking water contaminants such as arsenic, chemical carcinogens, and infections from virus, bacteria, or parasites.
If you want help with your transformation Dr. Fitness and Set Performance can help you make the modifications you need to create your best body ever... text your name and email address to register for the 2017 Fitness Re-SET! February 4th at 11:30 am. Space is limited for this free event, registration is required. It's a new year... time for some new habits! We are 10 Days into the new year, how are you doing? Dr. Fitness text line: 904.236.5858