Are you feeling the Love? February is the month of love. It's also the American Association's Heart Disease Awareness month. Both are associated with your heart.
What are you getting your significant other for Valentine’s Day?
- Flowers?
- Candy?
- Jewelry?
- Stuffed animal?
- Good Sex?
- Nothing?
More people chose good sex in my informal survey over anything else.
If the promise of a long, lean, fit physique hasn't made you a Dr. Fitness devotee already, this just might:
The right exercise program can rev up your sex life. Many Pilates and Yoga type poses target the muscles women and men rely on between the sheets—hip flexors, glutes, inner and outer thighs, and core. Stretch and strengthening these key spots, enhancing endurance, stability, and flexibility, all of which help to control your body so you can find and maintain the positions that feel best. Also Kegels, engage and strengthen your pelvic floor, which can improve the frequency and intensity of your big finale for men and women. So if Good Sex is on your list contact the Dr. Fitness Helpline 904.236.5858 for more information on the right exercise program to go from good sex to great sex.
Improve your love life with a fit life. Text your name and email address to register for the Free 2017 Fitness Re-SET! March 4th at 11:30 am. Space is limited for this free event and registration is required. It's a new year… you deserve to have a flat stomach!
Dr. Fitness Text Line: 904.236.5858