Get Sexy in the Sand 30 Minute Workout!!! Access the best cardio and strength exercises using sand to boost your Burn and tone.
Sand is a simple way to burn more calories per step. Studies show that yo’ll activate extra muscle just by treading on the loose stuff at the beach rather than solid ground. Grains of sand constantly shift. Also, the soft surface absorbs more energy, so instead of experiencing a helpful rebound effect as you would on pavement, you sink deeper and your muscles have to engage longer to push off and your forced to work harder to push off.
Get Sexy in the Sand 30 Minute Workout…. will reduce the stress on your joints. Research found that the impact on joints is about four times lower on sand than on firmer surfaces, which can mean much less post workout inflammation and joint damage. This remains true even as you increase your exercise intensity.
To help you tighten and tone your summer body I got together with exercise experts with the Jacksonville Association of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals (JAENP) IG is @JAENP2016.
Get Sexy in the Sand 30 Minute Workout
0 to 3 minutes
Warm up with a brisk walk or an easy jog.
3 to 7 minutes
Do each exercise below for 30 seconds
- Sprint your maximum
- Side shuffle with right foot leading
- Side shuffle with left food leading
- Run Backwards
7 to 10 minutes
Jumping Jacks at Moderate pace
10 to 12 minutes
Do 15 reps each of the jumping moves below.
Repeat the circuit as many times as you can for 2 minutes.
1) Tuck Jump- jump as high as you can, pulling knees toward chest. Extend legs downward as you land with knees soft. Do 15 as quickly as you can.
2) Skater- Pushing off with the right foot, jump left, landing on left foot (knees soft) and sweeping right leg behind and across; reach right fingertips to left toes. Continue to alternate sides. Do 15 as quickly as you can.
3) Broad Jump- jump as far forward as you can. Land softly in a squat. Do 15 as quickly as you can.
12 to 15 minutes
30 second sprint intervals
15 to 17 minutes
- Upright Crunch-Sit with knees bent, feet flat, hands o sand beside hips,. Lean back slightly, lift bent legs, and extend arms forward with palms facing up to start. Extend legs forward while leaning torso back until mid back touches ground and shoulders and legs hover above it. Repeat 15 times
- Walking plank- Start in plank on your palms. Lower right forearm to ground, then left. Press up on to right palm, then left. Do 15 reps alternating sides.
- Bicycle situp- Sit with legs long and lift them a few inches off ground, lean torso back 45 degrees, and place fingertips behind ears with elbows bent out to sides. Pull right knee toward chest as you rotate torso to touch left elbow to right knee. Alternate sides for 15 reps.
17 to 23 minutes
Sprints- 30 second sprint intervals
23-27 minutes
Do each exercise below for 30 seconds
- Sprint your maximum
- Side shuffle with right foot leading
- Side shuffle with left food leading
- Run Backwards
27 to 29 minutes
- Sprints- 30 second sprint intervals
- Bear Crawl- Stand with feet hip- width apart. Fold forward and plant hands about 3 feet in front of your feet. Keeping hips back, bend elbows and knees slightly (almost as if you are in a downward dog). maintain this shape as you walk hands and feet forward for 30 second intervals.
29-31 minutes
Cool down with walking and remember to stay hydrated
A special thanks to Jacksonville Association of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals (JAENP) with help with this workout.
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