Fresh vegetable and fruit juices
What nutrients are missing from your body? If you have low energy, high blood pressure and obesity chances are you are not getting the nutrients you need. People are beginning to realize the importance of proper nutrition. Gradually, more and more light is being shed on the mysterious workings of the human anatomy and the ways in which the body uses minerals and vitamins it extracts from our food.
I believe that eating the right foods will help your body recover from nearly every challenge or ailment. Today, any person not familiar with the nutritional necessity and recuperative value of fresh vegetables and fruit is at risk for an increased health challenges.
I have assisted a lot of people over the last 20 years make changes to their eating strategy that reduced their body fat percent, lowered their glucose levels, and reduce their blood pressure. The typical Duval diet is loaded with processed foods, trans-fats, sugar, carbs and salt. With a serious lack of vegetables, and the vegetables i observed were over cooked and loaded with salt.
It is important that throughout each day of our life, a well balanced diet should contain as the main course, a salad composed of a variety of vegetables - Raw Vegetables! Raw fruit and vegetables contain the minerals, vitamins and enzymes that enable your body to function. Enzymes have been described as complex substances which enable us to digest food and to absorb it into our blood. It has also been claimed that enzymes digest cancers. Enzymes are sensitive to temperatures above 118% F. Above 120%F enzymes become sluggish, just as the human body becomes sluggish and relaxed in a hot bath. But I have read at 130%F kills enzymes.
Having the opportunity to team up with Grabba Green and encourage friends and family to join me on the 30 Day Grabba-Challenge. Will allow a lot more of us to eat a well balanced diet. Join me and improve your health and win great prizes. Simply take a IG selfie with Grabba Green food, tag with, @grabbagreenfl39 #drfitnessgrabbachallenge you can submit up to one selfie a day each is another chance for you to win.
1) a cruise 2) Grabba Green Juice for a year 3) Grabba Green Food for a year.