Top 10 Reasons Those Top 10 Are Invalid Reasons
1. Fear - Some people have an image of exercise as evil. They remember a past workout that made them sore for days and can’t possibly conceive of going through that again. The truth is DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness is uncomfortable but if you start off slowly you won’t experience extreme discomfort. Also, if you stick with a program, the soreness is less and less with each workout. Another fear is feeling like a fish out of water at the gym. Maybe the attire at the gym is itself intimidating – good news, the days of the thong on the outside of the tights, the headband and leg-warmers are gone. We now wear regular shorts and t-shirts.
2. No Time - I hear this all the time and occasional catch myself saying 'I don't have enough time" I have come to realize it's less about time and more about setting priorities. Real Talk, If it's important enough we make time for it.
3. Negative Image of Exercise: Think all exercise is difficult? Exercise can be whatever you'd like it doesn't have to be running a marathon, a complicated routine or the most difficult machine in the gym. You can start by walking around your neighborhood 3 times a week. The negative result of not exercising is what should concern you.
4. Slow Results: I know you want a toned, fitne or at leasted changed body overnight but the truth is it takes time. It also depends on how often you work out and how well you stick to your healthy eating plan. Don't panic it, on average it takes up to 6 weeks to see results.
5. Expense: Hiring a personal trainer may be a big investment, truth if you having been able to do it own. Reach out for support. In the long run it will save you money and time. Getting a gym membership, home fitness equipment and exercise DvD's are an option. But only if you use them consistently. being accountable to some helps keep you motivated.
6. Lonely: This one is valid! Exercise can be lonely but it doesn't have to be… Find a friend who also wants to get into shape or just improve their wellness level. (You probably have a list of friends who have been talking about exercise) It's easy to sleep in when you are exercising alone at 5:30am, but if you have a friend who is expecting you, you are more likely to get up.
7. No Motivation - Motivation, like loneliness, can be combated with having a partner. You will be more likely to stick to a routine because you are motivated by your partner. Another motivation might be setting a realistic goal. “I will lose 100 pounds in 2 months” is not a realistic goal. I will exercise 4 times this week is an attainable goal and one you will work towards.
8. Too Many Other Things to Do - We are a nation of multi-tasking, over-achievers. Unfortunately, we tend to find the time for our families and our responsibilities but fall short when it comes to penciling in “healthy time”. Make a list of your daily activities and allocate time for each. Make sure exercise is on the list and then no matter what is happening, you have an appointment with yourself, stick to it, your health depends on it.
9. Too…. Hot, cold, rainy, sunny, hazy - Walk in the mall if it's hot, cold, rainy or sunny. The mall needs as many people as possible these days. If you can’t make the commitment to yourself because you are too busy making excuses, perhaps you need to realize that there will always be excuses but your health is not guaranteed. You matter!
10. I Hate to Exercise - Well, at least this one is honest; the dreaded “E” word, exercise. This will be the hardest to overcome. Like anything, if you do not make the decision to quit smoking, moderate drinking, eat properly or exercise, you will not succeed. Begin with an activity you feel you will enjoy. At least you are giving yourself a chance. Don’t give up for at lest 6 weeks and see if perhaps that helps you start a pattern.
Don’t look for the solution to your belly fat challenge from someone not taking the time to properly understand your body and goals.
An unbiased assessment will provide the information you need to avoid the costly products, services and fitness marketing you don’t need.
Text Dr. Fitness at 904.236.5858