Your glutes — the minimus, medius and maximus — are the largest and strongest muscles in your body. The three muscles work together to abduct, rotate and extend the hip. Strengthening your glutes can help improve posture, as well as make sitting down, standing, picking up heavy objects and climbing stairs easier. Developing strong glutes can also improve athletic performance and decrease your risk for injuries.
Weak glutes can cause an imbalance in the hip, which may lead to excessive medial rotation of the femur and lateral tracking of the patella, potentially causing knee challenges. Strengthening your glutes decreases your risk for back injuries and takes some of the pressure off your lower back.
5 Booty Types
No matter how well you think you know your body, there's a good chance our experts Jacksonville Fitness Professionals, know your butt type even better. Here are the 5 Booty Types... which booty type is yours? So once you've ID's your booty. Our expert trainers will be providing the best exercises for your booty type. Email a picture of your booty so our experts and confirm your booty type.
The Box Booty, is square and tends to be flat and small. If this sounds like you take a picture of your butt and we will confirm your booty type. We will be inviting you to join us and learn booty exercises for you Box Booty's.
If the line between your pelvis and hips angles inward, your butt takes on a "V" shape from behind, according to local Coach Damian Huffman CPT his IG-(@d_huffpt) , who says this butt shape is common among women and men with broad shoulders and very narrow hips.
"Pear-shaped" women tend to have A-shaped butts that widen below the hip bones and tend to stem from fuller thighs, according to Celebrity Personal Trainer Fhanta Williams her IG ( VP of the Jacksonville Association of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals. JAENP.ORG
This one is pretty much self-explanatory, but mostly because you've seen this shape on Kim Kardashian, Queen Bey, and J Lo. If you want a rounder butt — which tends to be a popular sentiment among my Dr. Fitness IG: @iamdrfitness Clients — strategically strengthening the butt muscles can give your backside "more projection" without surgical intervention.
The upside-down-heart-shaped butt is round without defying gravity. Like round booties, Because your butt and hips are full, and your buns are set low "it involves a curve to the outer hips, but with more volume in the lower part of the hip, keep the lower part firm prevents sagging booty" Personal Trainer Shannon with IG; @truefitphysique explains.
If you want a copy of the customized booty workout or join us for the ultimate booty workouts.... the the best trainers in DUVAL!!!!! Email or text a picture of you butt to Dr. Fitness: text: 904.236.5858