What you can do to improve your bedroom Olympics this Valentine Day?
Valentine Day is a special time of year to celebrate love. Some people believe it’s over rated and to commercial with too much emphasis on cards and candy.They see it as a day we are forced to show love by buying stuff most of us could live with out like candy and some flowers that’ll die in a few days.If this is you, I’d like to suggest you let me help you make a paradigm shift in your Valentine Day celebration strategy.I’m not talking about totally disregarding the holiday.That’s a recipe that could land you in the proverbial relationship dog house.If you’ve been in a relationship you most likely know what I’m talking about.
I believe in LOVE and VALENTINE'S DAY!
But Did you know more than 6 in 10 people have sustained an injury during lovemaking?
Sex injuries happen more often than you might think – so you should be aware of the most common ones (mostly so you can figure out what to do if they happen to you…)
1. Hip Injury
Pressure on your hip joints or hips with limited mobility are two common reasons hips get injured during sexual intimacy. However, missionary position (lying on their backs)because of the abduction movement requires a lot of hip function.
The fix: Gently stretch your hips and strengthen your abductors, glutei and hamstrings.
Of course, if hip pain continues check with your healthcare provider.
2. Sand abrasions
You romantic moonlit beach walk could escalate to romance.However, sand can be abrasive when being rubbed between two body or genitals causing painful abrasions due to friction. (#BeachBattleWounds).
The fix: Wash the infected area with cool water and antibacterial soap, If the skin is actually broken – as in, there is a physical cut as opposed to just irritated redness – then clean it with antiseptic and apply antibacterial cream before putting a bandage on top.
Of course, the best advice is to be pre-emptive and bring a soft blanket or wait until you find a sand free location to physically appreciate each other. Side note if outdoor sex is illegal in your location I would advise you not break the law.
3. Vaginal tears
You know it’s happened when you’re bleeding down there after the deed, or it simply really, really hurts.
The fix: The reason tearing happens is that you’re too dry down there, meaning the fix is pretty simple: Be sure you’re lubricated enough before beginning. “This can mean going slower during sex, and simply using lubricant.
If you do all of this and you still experience tearing on the regular, see your healthcare provider.”
4. Charlie Horse
Charlie horse is another name for a muscle spasm. They can occur in any muscle, but they’re most common in the legs. They are really painful and can stop you in your tracks. You know it’s happened when you’re bleeding down there after the deed, or it simply really, really hurts.
The fix: Massage, stretching and hydration will not only provide relief but it’s great for prevention.
5. Rectal tears
You know it’s happened when you’re bleeding down there after the deed, or it simply really, really hurts.
The fix: The reason tearing happens is that you’re too dry down there, meaning the fix is pretty simple: Be sure you’re lubricated enough before beginning. “This can mean going slower during sex, and simply using lubricant.
If you do all of this and you still experience tearing on the regular, see your healthcare provider.”
6. Carpet burn
Good for shaking things up and not just sticking to the mattress! Seriously, round of applause. However, switching up where you have sex can cause painful carpet burns due to friction. (#CarpetBattleWounds).
The fix: Wash the infected area with cool water and antibacterial soap, If the skin is actually broken – as in, there is a physical cut as opposed to just irritated redness – then clean it with antiseptic and apply antibacterial cream before putting a bandage on top.
Of course, the best advice is to go on pre-emptive strike and put a soft throw down if you’re having sex on a carpet. Just be sure it’s one of your backup blankets, as things could get a little, well, you know.
7. Back Injury
Back problems are often irritated by excessive spinal flexion movements. The pain or other symptoms may stop when you are able to arch your back. position (lying on their backs)because of the abduction movement requires a lot of hip function.
The fix: The rule of thumb when you experience discomfort is to warm up before you begin and keep away from extreme positions, especially if they cause pain. A consistent exercise program has been known to reduce back pain and increase back function.
Of course, if back pain continues check with your healthcare provider.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I’m suggesting you think of exercise as part of your love making process. It shows that you love yourself enough to take care of your health. Exercise and proper nutrition will improve your intimacy and sexual performance.
Increase together time, walking together and talking. I have noticed most couples I work with don’t even know what medicines their significant partner is taking. If high blood pressure and diabetes are properly managed you will have great energy and less health challenges. There is no better gift you can give your relationship than improving your health and supporting your partner's health.
Text Dr. Fitness anytime at 904.236.5858