Are you able to give up junk food for 30 day? If so, than text your name and “junk food” to 904-236-5858.It’s summer and school’s out, I’m seeing kids everywhere from Jax Beach to the Town Center eating junk food."Junk Food" generally refers to foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional value. Of course, what's considered "junk food" depends on whom you ask. One problem with junk foods is that they're low in satiation value -- that is, people don't tend to feel as full when they eat them -- which can lead to overeating. Another problem is that junk food tends to replace other, more nutritious foods.
Of course, junk food is also readily available at restaurant chains across the country in the form of French fries, chicken nuggets, shakes, soda, etc. Not only are most fast foods not terribly healthy, one study indicates that there may be something about fast food that actually encourages gorging.
In the study, from the Children's Hospital in Boston, teens age 13-17 were given three types of fast-food meals (all including chicken nuggets, French fries, and cola). In one meal, the teens were served a lot of food at once. In another, a lot of food was served at the same time, but in smaller portions. And in the third test meal, a lot of food was served, but in smaller portions over 15-minute intervals.
The researchers found that it didn't seem to matter how much food was served -- the teens still took in about half of their daily calorie needs in that one meal. The researchers suggested that certain factors inherent to fast food might promote overeating:
- It's low in fiber.
- It's high in palatability (that is, it tastes good).
- It offers a high number of calories in a small volume.
- It's high in fat.
- It's high in sugar in liquid form.
If you want to join us and avoid Junk Foods for June text your name and “junk food”to 904-236-5858.
For more support with reducing your Junk Food go to the and register for the free seminar.
Check out the 20 foods you need to avoid below:
20 Foods That Are Bad For Your Health (Avoid Them!)
If you want to join us and avoid these Junk Foods for June text your name and “junk food” to 904-236-5858.