Sista Strut is this coming Saturday!!! It's not to late for you to join our Sista Strut team go to: scroll down the page until you see "click here to sign up" Fill in the information and join the JAENP team and you will be eligible for free personal training session by a member of the Jacksonville Association of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals.
Check out the 2019 Pink Glove Dance.... so you can jump right in....
Learn the dance and help us win the Pink Glove Dance Competition.
Each year the turn out for Sista Strut is better.... I can actually feel the love and support for those impacted by breast cancer... it's the ultimate love fest. A great atmosphere for providing awareness on such an important challenging cancer.
Thanks in advance for joining us at Sista Strut this year.
Text me if you have any questions at 904.236.5858 Dr. Fitness