Top 10 Ways to use Your Stimulus Money to Improve Your Health and Reduce Stress
How do you spend your money? Does it help your health or hurt your health? Do you realize how you spend money, is a big predictor of how healthy you are and in some cases how long you will actually live. It highlights you're healthy behaviors but it also highlights your unhealthy behaviors.
For example, After you pay all your primary expenses and you have money left do you?
- Spend on fun and party
- Spend on a gift for someone special
- Spend on a health professional (personal trainer, Chiropractor, accupunturist)
- Spend on a nutrition professional (healthy foods)
- Spend on a mental health professional (therapist)
- Spend on wearable health tech (fitbit, Heartrate monitor, apple watch)
- Spend on getting cocktails
- Spend on online gaming
- Spend on new clothes
- Spend on finding a new job
Do you see yourself here? If not how do you spend your extra money? 90% percent of us will spend our stimulus money the way we always spend. I’m hoping after you read this you will do things a little bit better.
Our health is the most important thing we have…. during the Coronavirus pandemic it’s been made perfectly clear, The people who are dying from Covid-19 are those with other challenging health issues. (like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and ailment that weaken the immune system.
10 Ways to Invest in your Health
- Invest in your sleep (have you been checked for sleep apnea)
- Invest in visiting a medically run weight loss center for info on supplements.
- Invest in face mask
- Invest in hand sanitizer
- Invest in a nutrition professional to help you put down fast food and eat well
- Invest in a fitness professional to help you exercise properly and consistently avoiding injury
- Invest in a reusable water bottle that will help you track your daily intake of water.
- Invest in a smoking cessation program and quit smoking.
- Invest in primary care doctor visits (knowing your blood pressure and blood sugar level is critical)
- Invest in ways to help you manage stress (therapy/massage/mediation)
There are other ways that you can invest your money into improving your health beyond exercising and eating healthy.No one lives forever, but spending like this will improve the quality of your years.But it is critical that you take the time for yourself and don’t be shy about reaching out for expert support.If you are overweight and not working with a wellness professional, you are in serious denial.Get the support, motivation and expertise you need to get out of denial and get real results. Text me anytime at 904.307.6084.