Covid-19 Surge Protection
Florida is trending towards becoming the next epicenter for corona virus. It's something those of us in the high risk categories have feared.
I have been speaking with experts about what we need to know about this dramatic surge of covid-19 in Florida.
The majority of the new cases have been tracked back to restaurants, bars, yoga studios, parties and church services.
I strongly suggest if you go to any of these places:
- Wear a mask for nose and mouth
- Ask about their Covid-19 policies
- Wear glasses, they protect your eyes from respiratory droplets
- The professionals serving you should have masks and gloves that they change between patrons
- Wear gloves to protect yourself from commonly touched things; light switches, door handles and faucets.
Even if you love their food, program or products, love your life more and stay away from businesses not practicing all the safety protocols from the CDC.
Our world can change. Let’s all do our part to help.
Warm Regards,
Max Sturdivant " Dr. Fitness"
904.236.5858 text
Founder/Owner Age Well Fitness, Inc.
Co-Founder/President Jacksonville Association of Exercise & Nutrition Professionals, Inc.