Dr. Fitness

Dr. Fitness

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11 Ways to Celebrate 4th of July without Killing your Loved Ones.

Don’t Panic or get frustrated…….I know you want to see your family and friends this 4th of july.I for one am sick of being lockdown at this point.I want to hang out with my friends and family and feel normal again. But lets be honest our Covid-19 numbers are at an all time high.

I suggest if you decide to get together with friends and loved ones I invite you to take necessary precautions.Not just to protect yourself…. but to protect your more vulnerable friends and relatives. Oh and remember hand sanitizer and fireworks don’t mix.

Many of my friends from around the country are telling me about the parades, festivals, and fireworks displays, along with closing picnic area and park pavilions to discourage crowds from gathering.They aren’t happy about it… but with the increasing numbers they understand.

Here in Florida, our governor hasn’t been aggressive with doing things that will save the most Floridian lives, he’s clearly more concerned about state finances. Opening business and getting things back to normal.

You may not be able to attend the your usual parties and fireworks.There are still ways you can enjoy the holiday without putting yourself, friends or family at risk of being infected by the deadly covid-19.Here in Jacksonville, we will still be having fireworks…

  1. I suggest finding a way to enjoy the fireworks from your car or a location were you can socially-distant, rather than one densely packed crowd of people.
  2. I would also suggest watching the fireworks virtually from the comfort and safety of your own home.There will be lived streamed displays of the Fourth fireworks.(which you can watch on PBS and NBC)
  3. If you decide to do a backyard BBQ or get together..the CDC has released guidelines for how to do it safely. The agency recommend staying outside if possible ( if not use a well-ventilated indoor space) and
  4. limiting the number of guest to no more than 10.
  5. Ask your guest to wear a face mask, encourage distancing by spacing table and chairs at least 6 feet apart.
  6. Additionally, the CDC advises that you and your guests wash or sanitize your hands before and after eating and that you disinfect any commonly touched surfaces—like tables, counters, seat covers, etc.—regularly.
  7. If you can, opt for touchless garbage cans and wear disposable gloves when cleaning up or taking out the trash.
  8. As for the food, the CDC suggests having guests bring their own dining ware (plates, cups, napkins, utensils) to avoid potentially spreading the virus.
  9. You can also ask guests to bring their own food and drinks or, if you want to provide it, skip the buffet and instead opt for single-serve portions (like individual snack bags and bottles).
  10. According to the CDC, you should also have only one person grilling or serving food to prevent multiple people from handling food or shared utensils.
  11. Before your celebration comes to a close, the CDC also recommends writing down all of the guests in attendance in case you need it for contract tracing in the future. And, of course, thoroughly clean and disinfect anything that was used during the party afterwards.

For more information go to the cdc.gov

Dr. Fitness Text 904.236.5858

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