Fitness Reset
Forgive yourself and anyone you may blame for being overweight. When you forgive others, and especially yourself, you can put it in the past and move on.
Learn to Burn
Learn from your previous attempts to lose weight. View them as a springboard to improve your efforts and bounce into action, rather than a hill too high to climb.
One Step at a Time
Set reasonable weight loss goals that are attainable to avoid getting discouraged. Instead of setting yourself up for failure, pacing yourself for small accomplishments will be more enjoyable.
Is Your Food Hurting or Helping you?
Look at the foods you are eating and make an honest assessment of them. You could find healthier alternatives to the food you are eating now. Spend some time trying some new food favorites that you will enjoy.
Fit for fun
Discovering exercises that you enjoy and building a plan around them is the best way to stay consistent. Start by doing exercises you enjoy as the gateway to exercises that you need.
Get Your Sleep
Organize your schedule so that you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep daily. It’s difficult to achieve good results with your weight loss goals without proper rest.
Get Some Help
If you’re serious about losing weight and keeping it off, it is best to turn to professionals that can guide you on the right path.
I know several amazing Wellness Coaches and Mental Health Professionals with the experience to guide you through the process. They can assist in freeing you from your past fitness challenges. If you start a new weight management plan without initially doing these critical steps, you could be doomed to repeat your past mistakes. It’s difficult to enjoy losing weight when the process is traumatic, creating new wounds and opening old ones.
Ask me about the 20 Day Rejuvenation Program!
To get the guidance you need, text or call me at 904.236.5858.