They’re here again… the holidays…
This has been a wild year. And here we go with the holidays… As if it hasn’t been stressful enough!
The shopping, cooking, baking, cleaning, and entertaining all while doing our best to stay safe will heighten our anxiety like no other year.
We’ll typically overeat and overindulge this time of year anyway, but this year may be off the chain!
These habits cause feelings of low-energy, sluggishness, bloating, and irritability from all the toxins and waste that build up in our bodies.
“If only there was a pill to make it all go away,” you say.
Well guess what… there is!
Our supplements won’t make all the stress of the holidays disappear.
But your body will thank you for getting rid of the excess toxins and waste. You’ll feel more energized, lighter in your stride, and mentally prepared to enjoy your holidays this year.
Don’t miss out and order RIGHT NOW because we are offering all our supplements at BLACK FRIDAY PRICING starting TODAY!
Be sure to check out our special Holiday Helper or Greedy Program to give yourself the gift of a healthy body.
There’s no better time than NOW to get a head start on feeling right for the holidays while keeping more money in your pocket!
Less stress, more energy, less body fat, and peace-of-mind knowing you’re taking care of your body without giving up the fun and joy of the holidays. Scroll down for the early Black Friday Price!!!
Holiday Helper($120)- helps support your digestive system and improves your body’s ability to remove toxins and waste more efficiently.
(For best results begin a day before your heavy eating day)
Body Purifier: Reduces Toxins
(1 capsule before breakfast, 1 capsule before lunch, 1 capsule before dinner drink at least 8oz of water)
Intestinal Cleanser: Cleans Colon
Suggested use (2-3 capsules in morning, 2-3 capsules before 5pm or 6 hours before bed drink at least 8oz of water)
Fiber:Scrub intestinal walls and remove waste buildup
Suggested use (6 capsules in morning, 6 capsules before 5pm or 6 hours before bed drink at least 16oz of water)
Digestion Enzymes:Help your body break down food and extracts the nutrients
Suggested use (2 capsules in morning before eating, 2 capsules before lunch, and 2 capsules before dinner)
Greedy Program($100)- Reduces overeating, food cravings and stress eating
(For best result take daily throughout the holiday or heavy eating season)
Appetite Appeaser: Reduces overeating
Suggested use (2-3 capsules in morning 30 minutes before eating & 1-2 capsules in the afternoon 30 minutes before lunch with at least 16oz of water)
Cravings & Impulse Control: Reduces food craving and binge eating
Suggested use (1-3 capsules in morning, 1-2 capsules noon, 2-3 capsules before 5pm or 6 hours before bed drink at least 8oz of water)
Thyroid & Adrenal Support:Reduce stress eating & hormonal induced eating
Suggested use (1 capsule in morning, 1 capsule noon, 1 capsule before 5pm or 6 hours before bed drink at least 8oz of water)
If you have any additional questions call or text our Dr. Fitness at 904.236.5858
Dr. Fitness