The Negative Effects of Electronic Screen Time
Electronics are a part of everyone’s life, but what are the negative effects of screen time for adults and children?
While there is growing evidence showing the negative effects of screen time on adults and children, your family can improve their health by cutting back on the amount of time spent in front of the screen. Learn the negative effects of prolonged screen time and tips to help limit electronics use.
The effects of screen time on your health.
Whether the whole family sits around staring at their smartphones or you keep the TV on in the background, too much screen time can be harmful.
Here are a few ways your health may be negatively affected by spending too much time in front of a screen.
- Obesity. Too much time engaging in a sedentary activity, such as playing video games or watching TV, can be a risk factor for obesity. Heart health is also impacted and can lead to a higher risk of diabetes, increased blood pressure, or cholesterol.
- Sleep problems. The light emitted from electronic devices interferes with the brain’s sleep cycle and can prevent getting a good night’s sleep. To sleep more soundly, keep screens out of the bedroom and avoid them for at least an hour before you climb into bed.
- Chronic neck and back pain. Too much screen time can lead to poor posture, causing chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain. Try taking breaks from sitting down to stand, stretch, or walk around. Make sure your chair provides ample back support and keep the device at eye level.
- Depression and anxiety. Too much time spent in front of screens can negatively affect your mental and emotional well-being. Experts suggest that higher screen time could be connected to depression and an increase in suicidal behaviors.
- Cognitive Decline. A National Institutes of Health study found that children who spent more than two hours a day on electronic devices scored lower on thinking and language tests. Those with more than seven hours of screen time experienced thinning of the brain’s cortex related to critical thinking and reasoning.
What is the first sign of too much screen time?
Overstimulation is one of the first signs to take notice of. It is also one of the most common and most prevalent symptoms. Signs of overstimulation include: aggression; bouts of crying; hyperactivity; numbness; and emotional disconnection.
If you have questions about the negative effects of screen time for adults and children, find a nearby Valleywise Community Health Center or call 1 (833) VLLYWSE to schedule an appointment.
If you really want to take action and make some positive changes…
Join us for the Dr. Fitness “Replace Screen Time With Sunshine” Challenge and text “NOBELLY” to 22828 because no screen time means no belly!
Tips to reduce screen time.
Limiting screen time to just a few hours a day may not be realistic, but these tips can help slim you and your family’s screen time.
- Model healthy electronic use. Parents are role models for their kids. The next time you binge-watch your favorite Netflix series, remember that you are setting an example for your children. Keeping the TV on in the background or scrolling through your phone when you have a spare minute may not be modeling the behavior you hope to see in your kids.
- Set aside time to unplug. Choose a time for your whole family to “unplug” from the phone, TV, and computer. When you all agree to put down your devices, it gives your family the chance to spend quality time together.
- Use parental controls. There are tools you can use to filter or block unwanted content. You can even set daily screen time limits that can lock your children out of apps after they have reached a set amount of time.
- Encourage other activities. It’s easy for kids to become reliant on electronics for entertainment. Encourage them to get involved in activities that don’t require a screen like playing outside, reading a book, or playing a board game.
- Keep bedrooms screen-free. You may want to consider making it a rule that electronic devices are not allowed in the bedroom. This also includes tablets and other handheld devices that your kids may be tempted to use at night which could interfere with their sleep.
So, what is the ideal amount of screen time? While it sounds like a simple question, the “just right” amount often depends on what type of screen a person is looking at and for what reason.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends avoiding screens for children younger than 18 to 24 months. Children over age 2 should be limited to 1 to 2 hours of screen time per day. Adults should also try to limit their screen time outside of work hours.
Rules For Dr. Fitness “Replace Screen Time With Sunshine” Challenge:
(rules apply ONLY for SUNDAY for the next 3 Sundays)
1. Turn off your social media notifications.
2. No surfing social media.
3. Don’t watch any Movies or TV shows.
4. No inactive gaming apps.
5. No online purchases
6. List your activities and times.
7. Share the Dr. Fitness “Replace Screen Time With Sunshine” Challenge IG Post for a chance to win these fantastic prizes:
First Prize:
Two Invisared Laser Fat Removal (lose up to 2 inches off your waist!)
Courtesy McGowan Medical Centers (904) 350-5544
Second Prize:
Full Body Detoxification (remove toxins that keep you addicted to processed foods)
Courtesy McGowan Medical Centers (904) 350-5544
Third Prize:
Personal (One-on-One) Training (learn how to move better and exercise according to your functional movement)
Courtesy Jacksonville Association of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals, and
McGowan Medical Centers (904) 350-5544
Article Sources:
Dr. Fitness | Max Sturdivant
Jacksonville Association Of Exercise and Nutrition Professionals (JAENP)
Text 904.236.5858