Did you know sugar addiction is one of the leading causes of death?
I'm a sugar addict. Like most addicts, we are never cured because the desire is always lurking in the background. Sugar addiction is one of the leading causes of death.
Most of us aren’t aware we are addicted. That’s why it’s so important that we all take part in the October NO SUGAR Challenge.
Unlike smoking, opioids, alcohol and drugs. Sugar has no age restriction or use restrictions. Making it somewhat an acceptable addiction. Up until you experience some of the devastating side effects of sugar addiction. Typical side effects most of us overlook is
1. Type 2 diabetes
2. Increased belly fat
3. Difficulty sleeping
4. Joint inflammation
5. Low energy
6. increase overall stress
If you have experienced any of the signs definitely take this opportunity and join the October NO SUGAR Challenge by texting your name and no sugar to 904.236.5858
If you have experienced any of the signs definitely take this opportunity and join the October NO SUGAR Challenge by texting your name and no sugar to 904.236.5858
In retrospect, I realized sooner you realize sugar is an addictive challenge is the moment you can reduce the power sugar has over your life.
An Alarming Fact: In 2017, eleven million deathsworldwide were linked to poor diets high in sugar and simple carbohydrates. Trends have that number increasing each year!
Another Alarming Fact: A sugar-laden diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease even if you aren't overweight!
That’s why it’s so important that we all join the October NO SUGAR Challenge.
If you have the courage to join us:
Sign up for my newsletter for more info on the not-so-sweet ways sugar harms you! Check your Spam Folder if you don’t see my email by Saturday. lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/vf7c9rW/Newsletter
Dr. Fitness
IG: iamdrfitness
Text: 904.236.5858