Did you know last Wednesday, October 4th, was Taco Day, Cinnamon Bun Day, and Vodka day all rolled into one?!
The next day should be a nauseated, bloated, and hungover day! There are some days we should just sleep through, right?
This is a prime example of the societal influences we have grown accustomed to in our daily lives. It's no wonder so many of us battle with sugar addictions!
With Halloween just a couple of weeks away, I feel it is appropriate to address the harmful effects of too much sugar in our diets, our children's diets, and ways we can curb our sugary appetites during this tempting time of year.
I'll not only be identifying why we should eliminate sugar from our diets, but also the long-term benefits and alternative ways to enhance a sugar-free month with healthier daily snacks and healthier treats for the kids on Halloween!
I've even included a quiz to determine if you have a sugar addiction and how we can address the issue.
For starters, you'll want to join our "No Sugar Challenge" that's happening now through October 31st.
AND check out my special offer below just for challenge participants!!
It's easy to sign up! Just text NOBELLY to 904.236.5858.
I'm sure you'll be on the right track with all the alternatives and tips in this month's newsletter to avoid sugar and live a healthier lifestyle!
Dr. Fitness
Your Trusted Advisor