Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs
What? There are good and bad carbs? I thought all carbs are the same!
Sorry to tell you, but not all carbs are the same and they should not be considered equal.
If you want your low-carb diet to work, you should educate yourself so that you know the difference between the two and know which carbs you should eat less and which ones you should continue to eat.
First, what is a carbohydrate?
Carbohydrates are naturally occurring sugars, starches, and fiber found in food which are the main source of the body’s energy functions. Carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules linked together. When digested, they are broken down into glucose which supplies our bodies with the fuel to provide needed energy.
Fiber doesn’t break down, however. It passes through the body and is excreted. When we are carb-deficient, we feel weak as if we have no energy.
If you are on a low-carb diet, it’s important to learn which types of carbs to cut down on if you want your diet to work. Once you know them, you’ll be able to make changes that support a healthy lifestyle.
It’s not as easy as it sounds. If you cut out all carbs, you’ll experience reduced energy, nutrient deficiency, and low exercise performance.
Now let’s differentiate a good carb from a bad carb…
To understand more about good vs. bad carbs, we should first look at the fiber content of our food.
Fiber?…what does fiber have to do with carbs?
Foods that are higher in fiber are foods that take longer to break down in digestion like vegetables, fruits, whole-grain breads, beans, peas, bran products, nuts and seeds. These are examples of good carbs that keep you full longer. Fiber also helps to lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in your body.
The foods that are low in fiber have bad carbs such as processed foods. These foods are made with white flour like white rice, cakes, and cookies.
Reading nutrition labels will help you learn which products are high or low in fiber. This would be a good start to knowing more about carbs!
In order for you to make smart choices, you should know the different types of carbohydrates.
Whole Carbohydrates:
Carbs that are whole, or unprocessed, would be a good carb choice. They are considered to be healthy foods which include vegetables, fruits, legumes, oats, beans, whole grains, and brown rice. These natural fiber-rich foods promote healthy digestion by keeping the bowels moving.
Refined Carbohydrates:
If you’ve ever been told to eliminate carbs from your diet to lose weight, they are referring to refined or processed carbs. Refined carbs have been associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Natural fiber has been stripped out of these carbs. They usually lack other nutrients and appear white.
Some examples of processed carbs are sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices, white bread, white rice, white pasta, potato chips, and pretzels. These processed carbs tend to cause spikes in blood sugar levels that lead to more cravings of the same foods in a short amount of time.
There are nutritional labels that will use tricky wording to make you think they are a healthier choice. Be a well-informed consumer and read the labels very carefully!
Here is a handy list of good carbs that are highly recommended:
- Whole fruits
- Nuts and seeds
- Whole grains: quinoa, barley, etc.
- Beans, legumes
Here is a list of bad carbs that you should try to avoid:
- Juices sweetened with sugar
- Sugary drinks- carbonated water, soda, etc.
- White bread
- Ice cream
- Candy
- Milk chocolate
- Processed foods
- Pasta
- White rice
- Grits
- Corn
Here’s a summary table to help you differentiate between good and bad carbs: