In wake of last weeks bomb threat at Mandarin High School and it's shooting threat the next day causing evacuation, Duval County Public Schools has decided that they will be adding walk-through metal detectors in its high schools.
There is no word which schools will be the first to receive the new equipment which is expected to be delivered within the next 90 days, but a district spokeswoman did say that training for the new equipment will be done on a school-by-school basis according to our news partner News4Jax.
Metal detectors range from $1,000-$30,000 in price based on features, so it is unknown who will be footing the bill for the security items; in addition to the installation fee and maintenance. Each school is slated to have at least two detectors.
In addition to the metal detectors, it is reported that security cameras are being purchased as well at an estimated $2.5 Million according to WJCT.