The Philly rapper was recognized for carrying on Mandela's legacy.Photo: Getty Images
TeeRoy's 2 Cents:
Meek is the first musical artist to receive the Nelson Mandela Changemaker Award.
Past honorees include Sharon Stone and former adviser to Dr. Martin Luther King, Clarence Jones.
Meek's been very conscious about using his platform and profile to create real change.
The Philly rapper and criminal justice reform advocate was presented with the award at a private event hosted by Plan to Take on the World. Meek used a clip from the presentation in his latest video for “Mandela Freestyle.” At the award dedication, a speaker said, "The Nelson Mandela Changemaker Award recognizes individuals who are carrying on Mr. Mandela’s legacy across one of the following key pillars -- social equity through activism, community- and nation-building, protection and education of children and youth. So today, we honor Robert 'Meek Mill' Williams for carrying on President Mandela’s legacy.”