69% of American adults say they have gotten the shot. Here's a demographic breakdown according to an NBC News poll conducted in the middle of this monthPhoto: AFP
TeeRoy's 2 Cents:
This directly contradicts the assertion that Black people are vaccinated at a lower rate than others.
It definitely correlates with the geographic breakdown of where Delta is hitting the hardest.
Let's see if these numbers change with the full approval news. Previous polls have said that 30% of the unvaccinated would be more likely to do it with full approval.
There's been a lot of discussion in recent weeks about what's driving the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19. And much of that centers on who has and hasn't been vaccinated. 69% of American adults say they have gotten the shot. Here's a demographic breakdown according to an NBC News poll conducted in the middle of this month:
67% of men and 71% of women
66% of white people, 71% of Latino people, 76% of Black people
86% of people 65 and older, 71% of 50-64, 58% 35-49, 63% 18-34
88% of Democrats, 60% of Independents, 55% of Republicans; 91% of Biden voters, 50% of Trump voters
The poll was conducted before yesterday's full FDA approval of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.