BuzzFeed has ideas from regular folks on ways to feed your piggy bank that are pretty painless. Here are some of them:
Sure, saving money is always a great idea, but not always the easiest, especially when you’re already on a budget. However, BuzzFeed has ideas from regular folks on ways to feed your piggy bank that are pretty painless. Here are some of them:
If you’re offered a job, counter offer the salary. It doesn’t have to be an ultimatum.
Every time you want to buy something special, wait a week. If you forget, you didn’t need it.
Make your own food.
Don’t buy the cheapest item -- it may not last as long. Buy a few steps above it.
Take your lunch and coffee to work.
Bring your own water bottle with you. Drinking water is good for you – and cheaper than other drinks.
Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.
Learn to fix things instead of replacing them or paying someone else to fix them. You can learn a lot on YouTube.
Put away 10% of your paycheck. It may not seem like a lot, but it adds up.