A new survey found that people with active sex lives are satisfied both at home – and at work.
Hate your job? You may not be getting enough action at home. A new survey found that people with active sex lives are satisfied both at home – and at work. Basically, being satisfied in the bedroom gives you that pep in your step that makes you happier, more productive, and more focused at work.
Speaking of hating your job … The great resignation continues – and it seems that those who have quit their jobs are much happier. A new survey found that 60% of Millennials and 59% of Gen X-ers who have recently quit their jobs said it was the best decision they’ve made in a long time. The most common reasons for quitting …
Finding a different job that offers better pay -- 57%
Finding a job with better work/life balance -- 55%
Finding a job with better working conditions -- 54%
Almost 90% of the survey respondents who quit their job said they would have stayed if they had been offered better benefits, including opportunities for growth (52%), better working conditions (52%) and having internal career development (49%).
More on job quitting … According to research from WalletHub, the states where people are quitting their jobs at the highest rates are: