The Tinder Swindler strikes again ... and again. “Simon Leviev” -- real name Shimon Hayut -- put himself on the map by swindling millions of dollars from women he met through Tinder. If you haven’t seen the Netflix documentary yet, all you need to know is that when a seemingly wealthy millionaire asks you for $25,000, it’s time to walk away. The three girls from the documentary who were conned out of their money have even set up a GoFundMe to try to raise money to pay back their debts.
Meanwhile, the Tinder Swindler still hasn’t learned his lesson. He recently joined Cameo, the app where celebrity figures charge fans for personalized messages. You can now pay $249 for a personalized video from Simon, who proudly put “Tinder Swindler” right next to his name on his page. Seems like he is still trying to find creative ways to make money. Might we suggest getting a real job?! (Yahoo)