Sounds like every kid’s dream lunch, but for one woman in the U.K. that is all she has eaten … for 22 years.
Chicken nuggets, chips, and fries … Sounds like every kid’s dream lunch, but for one woman in the U.K. that is all she has eaten … for 22 years. 25-year-old Summer Monro has a condition called avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and says the idea of eating fruits or vegetables makes her sick. “I can’t remember the last time I ate a fruit or vegetable,” Summer said. “I’d say it was when I was about 3.” She even turned down her grandfather’s $1300 offer to eat just one single pea. “I like the smell of food but if I try to eat it, it makes me physically sick. As soon as it touches my lips, I can’t do it.”
Here's what a day of eating looks like for Summer: No breakfast, a bag of potato chips for lunch, and six to eight chicken nuggets with a side of fries for dinner. Surprisingly, she is of a healthy weight and claims to never get sick. Hmmm. (NY Post)