Nothing will completely get rid of your hangover, but these might help the symptoms:
Nursing a hangover today? If yesterday’s St. Patty’s Day celebrating has you feeling a little sluggish today, nutritionist Kerry Glassman offers some tips to alleviate your hangover. Nothing will completely get rid of your hangover, but these might help the symptoms:
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate – Alcohol dehydrates you, so replenish those fluids by drinking lots of water and coconut water (which contains the electrolyte potassium).
Eat a banana – Bananas are also loaded with potassium.
Ginger water – Ginger can help reduce nausea
Pass on the hair of the dog – Drinking more alcohol may make you feel better for the moment, but putting more booze in your system will just delay your hangover. Glassman suggests having a virgin Bloody Mary – which is high in vitamin C and helps detoxify your body.
Eat eggs – Eggs are a source of l-cysteine, which can help your liver neutralize the alcohol. (Pop Sugar)