In honor of 4/20 …TGI Friday’s,Wingstop,Insomnia Cookies and more got great deals
420 Day: Celebrate accordingly.
In honor of 4/20 …
TGI Friday’s is offering a “Blazed and Glazed” special that’s only available through Uber Eats. The special includes a new item on the menu called Chicken Slammers, along with a new spicy sauce to complement the whiskey-glaze sauce.
Wingstop is also selling "Blazed & Glazed" chicken wings it says are "designed to taste like 4/20” – though they won’t get you high.
Insomnia Cookies is offering “cookie butter nachos” to fulfill even the wildest munchie dreams. It’s 18 chocolate chunk cookies, doused in cookie butter and piled with toppings of your choice. Sounds like a stoner's delight.
Sweet 'N Low is also getting in on the fun with limited-edition “Sweet 'N High” T-shirts.