These gas-saving tips don't work ... With gas prices these days being as high as they are, drivers everywhere look to those popular tried-and-true tricks of the road to use less gas -- even though most of them are completely bogus. Jalopnik took the time to go over some of the most common gas-saving "tricks," and then burst your bubble.
Leave the engine running, because if you turn it off, it'll burn more gas to turn it back on. Thanks to modern fuel injection, starting up the engine uses a very small amount of gas.
Roll through the stop sign because if you come to a complete stop, you'll burn more gas to accelerate again. You have to stop at a stop sign. That's why it's called a stop sign.
Turn the engine off when coasting down a hill. It's true you won't burn gas, but you'll lose control of the car.
Only fill your gas tank to half because you'll pay less at the pump and there will be less weight to drive around. This is sort of true, except that if you only fill up halfway, you'll be taking more trips to the gas station and might have to pay higher prices.