TeeRoy's 2 Cents:
I can understand maybe not telling his kids, but not telling his wife? That's wrong.
His kids might wonder why they have to work all the time while their dad doesn't.
If you won $30 million, would you still make your kids go to college and get a job?
It's common for lottery winners to wear a disguise when claiming their massive prizes so they don't have to worry about people robbing or extorting them. But that's not exactly why one lottery winner in China did it.
Identified only as Li, the lottery winner showed up to claim his prize dressed in a costume so he wouldn't be recognized -- by his own family. Li told reporters he didn't want his own wife and children to know that he had won about $30 million. His reason for it is not what you might expect. He wasn't planning to take the money and run away from his family. He says he didn't want his kids to feel superior to anyone else and not work. He adds that he didn't want then to become “arrogant and lazy.” While some people have applauded his decision, others think he's horrible for keeping his family in the dark. And then there are some who look at it from a legal perspective and say he is violating marital law which considers all assets marital property. (OddityCentral)