TeeRoy's 2 Cents:
Kelsey's really destroying any credibility she has by completely switching up her story.
Some will wonder if Tory quietly paid her off behind the scenes to get her to recant and keep quiet.
There have been inconsistencies on both sides.
Is the jury going to be able to separate the truth from the lies?
(Wednesday) was day three of Tory Lanez’s felony assault trial over allegedly shooting Megan Thee Stallion.
Megan’s former friend, Kelsey Nicole, took the stand, where she claimed she previously lied about a number of key details when speaking with prosecutors. While she previously said she saw Tory pull out a gun and shoot at Megan three-to-five times, she’s now retracting all of that. She’s now saying she never saw Meg get shot or bleeding and has no idea who shot Megan or if she was shot, though she admits to hearing gunshots. Kelsey has also walked back claims that Tory punched or attacked her.
She also denies that Tory ever offered her a million dollars to keep quiet about the incident.