30 states chose either Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs or Peanut Butter Cups as their favorite Easter Candy.
If you're like most Americans, it involves peanut butter. In a recent survey, more than 30 states chose either Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs or Peanut Butter Cups as their favorite Easter Candy. Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan all purchased more Starburst Jellybeans than Reese’s Eggs in 2022, and Wisconsin joined Hawaii and Kentucky in opting for Kinder Eggs -- you know, the ones with the toys inside?
Overall, Americans are hoping the bunny will bring:
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg
- Kinder Chocolate Candy Egg
- Starburst Jellybeans
- Lindt Hollow Milk Chocolate Bunny
- Cadbury Creme Egg
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Eggs
- Hershey’s Kisses
- Peeps Yellow Marshmallow Chicks
- M&M’s Easter Candies
- Brach’s Jelly Bird Eggs