Do you spend an unnecessary amount of time at work filling out surveys and questionnaires from HR, answering questions that you're pretty sure will never be read, and certain will never make any difference? A Chicago IT worker recently received another one of these surveys from HR. It said the respondent's identity would remain anonymous, so he decided to test it by leaving completely truthful responses to each question -- and then shared it on Reddit. The questions sought the employee's input on how to increase job satisfaction, and he answered most of the questions with, "more money." When asked, “What would make you feel more valued?" he answered, "More money." Asked, "If you could change anything to make it a better place to work, what would you change?" he also replied, "More money." When asked, "Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions?" he responded, "I can't afford an apartment." His survey has gone viral and has received more than 1,000 comments.