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IN BLANKSTARE NEWS: Here’s a reason to do some chores … 

The researchers found that four to five minutes of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) had a connection to a “substantially lower” cancer risk compared to people who performed no VILPA.

Here’s a reason to do some chores … even if it’s hot out. Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia have found that less than five minutes of sweaty household chores can help to cut your risk of developing cancer by a third. The catch? You need to really “huff and puff” for those five minutes. The researchers found that four to five minutes of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) had a connection to a “substantially lower” cancer risk compared to people who performed no VILPA. Basically, VILPAs are like short HIIT workouts. Examples are doing intense housework, picking up heavy shopping bags, bursts of power walking, or playing high energy games with the kids.

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