It's amazing what some people think is OK to do on an airplane
There are so many rules of etiquette to follow when traveling by plane; unfortunately, not everyone follows them. In fact, many flyers complain that people have gotten worse in recent years when it comes to their behavior on flights. A new survey asked people in all 50 states to cite the travel behaviors they think are bad, and also which bad behaviors they are guilty of. The data was then compiled to figure out which states are the worst when it comes to airplane etiquette. It found that travelers from Iowa are most guilty of bad airplane behavior, followed by Illinois, Virginia, Texas and Georgia. People from Arkansas are the best-behaved flyers, followed by Alabama, Florida, Ohio and Kansas.
Speaking of bad plane behavior …
It's amazing what some people think is OK to do on an airplane ... YouGov recently did a survey asking people about what's acceptable and what's not when you're flying. And though the majority of people disapprove of all the quote-unquote "bad behaviors," there are still plenty who think some truly awful things are OK. For example …
- 37% think it's acceptable to bring a small dog onboard, and 28% are OK with a cat.
- 32% say it's fine to climb over someone to get to the bathroom.
- 14% have no problem with someone eating stinky food on board.
- 25% think it's OK to watch a movie with nudity, and 11% say it's all right to watch one without headphones.
- 30% are cool with someone removing their shoes.
- 5% have no issue if someone lets their kid run around during the flight.