Children eat around 7000 calories, which equals three cups of sugar, on Halloween. Let the season of eating begin!
The average American consumes approximately 3.4 pounds of candy on Halloween. Children eat around 7000 calories, which equals three cups of sugar, on Halloween. Let the season of eating begin!
You've been celebrating Halloween your whole life, dressing up and asking for candy, but how much do you really know about the holiday, its traditions, and their origins? Here are some interesting, and some bizarre, facts you may not have known.
- Christmas is the only other holiday that surpasses Halloween in consumer sales.
- Costumes were traditionally worn by many Europeans to repel spirits that they believed would come back to Earth on Halloween.
- Scottish women used to hang wet sheets in front of a fire on Halloween to see their future husbands.
- Mamie Eisenhower was the first First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween in 1958.
- It is a common superstition that if you wear your clothes inside out and walk backward on Halloween, you'll see a witch at midnight.
- Some women used to throw apple peels behind them on Halloween because they believed it would land in the shape of the first letter of their future husband's name.
- The Irish started the tradition of carving jack o'lanterns, only they used potatoes and turnips.
- The average trick-or-treater's bag of candy at the end of the night contains about 11,000 calories.